2017-03-18 John Smerek Memorial Scout Festival

2017 results by category print file

EVENT: Scout Orienteering Festival for Cub, Boy, Brownie, Girl, Venture Scouts, and Scouters

DATE: Saturday, March 18, 2017

LOCATION: Beaumont Scout Reservation

8:30 AM to Noon

MEET DIRECTOR: David Fisher (314-434-5060)


REGISTRATION: Emerson Conference Center Area

8:30-10:00 am.

No advanced registration is required. We just ask that you send an estimated attendance to David Fisher at roaming496ranger@hotmail.com, so we know how many to expect.

COST: $5.00 per scout or adult. (The cost includes the map.)


Festival Patch and 2017 Segment $4.00

Segment alone $1.50

Festival Patch alone $3.00

Courses: The format for the scout competition course will be a SCORE ORIENTEERING format with 30 controls. Each control will have a point value from 5-30 points, depending on its location and difficulty. There is a 60-minute time limit with a 10 point penalty for each minute over the time limit.

There will be 6 mass starts every 15 minutes from 9:15 am to 10:30 am.

A non-competitive beginner’s (Map Hike) course will also be available for cub scouts, first time orienteers, recreational use and for scouts that need a course that meets the first class navigation requirements.