2023-03-11 Scout Orienteering Festival at Beaumont – Results

Thanks to everyone who was able to come out and enjoy beautiful Beaumont and have some fun with fellow map and compass enthusiasts. Special thanks to David Fisher and his team (Beth Skelton, Ed Schaefer, Bill Croker, and more) for designing and setting great courses. Also, thank you to Nathan Graves and Kevin Minton for helping with registration/education at the Club table.

The club results are posted at the top of the page and the Scout results are posted at the bottom. Our next orienteering meet will be at Queeny Park on Saturday, 4/22. Mark your calendars. Jeff Ryan, director, has some fun in store for us. Details will be coming soon on the webpage.

1. Rich Family: Tony, Debbie, Dorothy, Robert, David1:51:3010
2. Dylan Eason, Jakob Farris, Dylan Hernke Group1:57:0410
3. Lisa and Roscoe McNerney1:41:307
INDIVIDUAL – Children36:56:0010
1. Dennis Yurkuns
1. Jim Egbert1:21:2510
1. Neal Bockwoldt3:13:5510
2. Robert Bart (had to leave early)1:01:225
GROUP – Adults
1. Tim Johanns, Donnie Reckert, Myka Miller1:08:0010
2. Walter B and Walter S Schnurr1:10:3010
3. Andrew Witthaus, Cory Tarrant, Chelsea, Chalon Knight, Ashley Knight2:08:0010
4. Holly McGrath, Annette Rau2:55:517
5. Louise Bullock and Sandy Budde3:18:448
GROUP – Children
1. Frank Carr, Judah, Elias2:30:2010
2. Bailey Fam: Kelly, Naomi, Karol, Josiah2:52:1910
1. Josh Borgmeyer0:54:4413
2. Nathan Graves1:08:0913
3. Jason Coleman1:15:4013
4. Matt Sorgam1:20:5013
5. Karl Schutte1:25:5813
6. Jen Doias1:34:5013
7. Tommy Doias1:37:1413
8. Scott Shaw1:43:0113
9. Mike Rhodes2:17:3013
10. Vladimir Yurkuns2:32:4513
11. Robert Bart (had to leave early)1:22:446
1. Steven and Cynthia Truemper2:16:2013

Dear Fellow Scouters:

On behalf of the St. Louis Orienteering Club and the Greater St. Louis Area Council I would like to thank you for attending the 19th John Smerek Scout Orienteering Festival.  The weather was a little chilly, but that did not dampen the spirit.  The rain held off until after the event so all the scouts and scouters had a great time.  The festival attendance went up from 2022. This year we had 23 units with 130 participants.

Attached are the results from the 2023 Scout Orienteering Festival Score-O competition based on the punch cards received at the finish.  The festival is designed to test a scout’s (buddy pair or three) map reading and strategic planning skills.  The awards for the top finishers are embroidered neckerchief slides.  The scores were very good this year.  

Inside this package you will find the results and awards (neckerchief slides and I Did It ribbons) for the scouts from your unit.  Please distribute these awards to the deserving individuals.  The results will also be posted on the St. Louis Orienteering Club’s website http://stlouisorienteering.org.   I had trouble reading the names on a few cards, so I apologize for any names that are miss spelled.

We are hard at work designing next years course.  If you have any ideas on how to improve the festival or you would like to help please let me know.  Please talk up the festival at your district’s roundtable and encourage all your neighboring units to attend next year.  

Next year’s 20th John Smerek Memorial Scout Orienteer Festival is tentatively scheduled for March 9, 2024.  I hope to see everyone back again next year.  We are planning on putting on a “First Class Orienteering” course in October.  Check the council schedule for the date. 

If your scouts would like to do some additional orienteering the St. Louis Orienteering club puts on a local event each month, with courses for beginner to advanced orienteers.  For more information visit the club’s website at http://www.stlouisorienteering.org.  

The GSLAC Map and Compass Committee conducts adult leader training sessions for adults each year.  Please check the Council Calendar for the date for the next session.

Yours in Scouting,

David Fisher                          


19th John Smerek Memorial Scout Orienteering Festival
March 11, 2023
David Fisher149633067M
Owen Sward Jerry Franzel236019516M
Charlie Wunderlich John Morgan Will Washington Stefe Wunderlich462716013Y/A
Owen Terry Teddy Nieman236015013M
Landon Toebgen Brady Wing236015013M
Evan Searcy Kristen Philips246215025M/F
Teddy Hessel Jessy Baker Joey Samile336011014M
Gus, Xavier H277611013M
Mike Hefele Tom Stremlac277611055M
Ryan Thurman Gregory Fournelle217910515M
Henry Thorniton146210513M
Eric Searcy146210058M
Kylee Oiestelkamp146210042F
Payton Haddox Nick Schmiemeier Brady Pinnell34099016M
Evan Solecki Alex Potter27768516M
IsaacHeilman Wyatt Howell27768516M
Grant Pickett Sam Feldmar George Howard38098515M
Samantha Abemathy Ellis Fitzgerald211608012F
Shannon Johnson Lydia Keck Emily Pickens336488016F
Mason Ly Collin Bertish217970?M
Jack Franklin Jasper Calvert Rylan VanSambeek317960?M
Anthony Barry Ben Robert27765512M
Carter Phipps Joshua Wirthlin Tristan Byron3776-240-4012M
Julian Harquetiz Wyatt Hewton Henry Wart Devin Kremer Justin Wingbermuehle Jeremiah King6918Rec13M
Jaco Nielsen Matthew Waby Dylan Lay Jasen Pate Banon Basor5918Rec12M
David Brinkmann Tim Jones2462RecAM