2020-11-28 Hawn Turkey-O Results

Over 50 participants were able to attend this year’s Turkey-O event at Hawn State Park.  More than half showed up on Saturday the 28th, while the remainder took advantage of the course being up for a week before and after, doing it on their own. There were 28 checkpoints placed throughut the park, many in fun and interesting locations.  The feedback was generally favorable, though it was a technical course which favored precise navigation.  Beginning orienteers discovered Hawn is no Kirkwood Park and experienced orienteers had to bring their “A” game.  One participant cleared the course (got them all), and another nearly cleared.  Hopefully all enjoyed the beauty that is Hawn.

Apologies for the closing of the parking lots by the rangers as capacity was reached – some people had an extra-long hike or were delayed getting to the start.

The results include an additional category called “Map Hike”, for the people that either leisurely strolled around finding just a few, or for those that were so excited to be outside, chose to completely ignore the time limit.  I arbitrarily placed people in this category, if you’d like to be in a different category or if there are mistakes, please let me know. mgeldmeier@earthlink