3. Arch Permanent Course

This course is a little different in that you have to not only navigate to the right spot but you also have to identify the correct answer to the clue. Not all are very straightforward so pay close attention!

Keep track of your answers on a sheet of paper and submit your time and answer to Nathan Graves at cavemelon@hotmail.com and we will “grade” and post them.

Arch Course
21 Controls
Time in MinutesObtainedCorrect
Team Freiper (Dave and Mary)49:002117
Patrick Geldmeier and Chelsea Wantling77:002117
Brent and Wil Suydam80:002117
Steve Brennan82:002117
Dave Beattie60:002116
Mark Geldmeier49:102114
Tena and Traci Berry93:002114
Dario Negron105:002114
Susan Kubinak80:002011

2020-09-14 Sprint the Arch results

Arch Orienteerers,

Thanks for running the course.  I left it open for a couple of more weeks at the request of some members.  Results were tricky.  It was harder to get you to think and see what I was thinking and seeing than I thought it would be.  I went ahead and did a point for finding it and venturing a guess and then a second point for getting it correct.  Congrats to Team Freiper for taking home the victory. 

Hope you all enjoyed it.  See you at a meet soon.       

Because the club has turned this into a permanent course I have removed the answers from this post. You can find the map and clue sheet on our permanent course page here. If you have completed this course, you are also now a part of the record of results on our new permanent courses page found here.                            


Team  TimeObtainedCorrectTotal Score
Team Freiper (Dave and Mary)49:00:00211738
Patrick Geldmeier and Chelsea Wantling77:00:00211738
Brent and Wil Suydam80:00:00211738
Steve Brennan82:00:00211738
Dave Beattie60:00:00211637
Mark Geldmeier49:10:00211435
Tena and Traci Berry93:00:00211435
Susan Kubinak80:00:00201131
Miram Kim 14 14

2. Greensfelder Permanent Course

The first records of this course date to 1976 from the Orienteering Resource Agency with additional field work and drafting completed in 1985.  The original course control markers were iron stakes with 3D triangular iron tops.  Over the years the stakes fell into disrepair.  Beginning in 2022, with the permission of the Park, the St. Louis Orienteering Club (SLOC) restored the original course by replacing the iron stakes with brown carsonite markers.  Along the way, another set of white carsonite stakes were found, and with no known map of that course, these additional seven controls were added to the permanent course represented on this map, totaling 27 total controls.

If you would like to post your time, please send an email to nathan@stlouisorienteering.org and we will post it. Please send us a link to a GPS track, with your time, the date, distance, and the name(s) of those who completed it. You are welcome to run this as many times as you would like.

You can purchase the map and clue information for this course on our maps page here.

Greensfelder Permanent Course
27 Controls
Nathan Graves 2-9-25, 4.96mi1:14:57
Zdennek Palachek 2-1-25, 4.77mi1:17:23
Note – official time is the total time elapsed while on the course including any stoppages, not moving time as recorded on some devices.

2020-08-14 Sprint the Arch (extended)

The Arch O is up for you and ready for you to explore the recently renovated National Park. Course instructions with fillable clue sheet are attached along with the map.

You may start and end at any point of your choosing. Email or text a picture of your completed course to the Race Director per the instructions when complete.

Make sure you figure out which leg of the Arch is north and which is the southern one!

Course will run through 8/31/20! Get out there and check it out!